Join the goddess era membership at the current founder's rate of $88/month

join the goddess era membership

Goddesses are not created, they're awakened

There's programming that exists within you that — when activated — is the portal to your highest potential. 

Your strength, your genius, your passion, your creativity, your devotion...all of it is there calling to you, longing to come out in its full expression.

Goddess Era is here to support you in releasing all of the conditioning that is suffocating your magic, using your human design as your personalized guidance system. 

It's time to awaken the Goddess within you and watch magic come alive before your eyes.

Goddess Era is a monthly membership designed to help you actively decondition and intentionally recondition your identity as a successful, capable, and magical entrepreneur.

Welcome to your Goddess Era.

join the goddess era membership

Sunscreen to protect against skin disease and premature wrinkles.

Bug spray to protect against Zika and Lyme disease.

Endless passwords to protect against identity theft.

Water filters to protect against fluoride.

Juice cleanses to protect against pesticides.

Taylor Swift on repeat to protect against reality (kidding). 

Sunscreen to protect against skin disease and premature wrinkles.

Bug spray to protect against Zika and Lyme disease.

Endless passwords to protect against identity theft.

Water filters to protect against fluoride.

Juice cleanses to protect against pesticides.

Taylor Swift on repeat to protect against reality (kidding). 

What the heck is going on?? A simple day of existing feels like a game of Jumanji. 

When you actually start to think about all the things lurking out there that pose as threats to us, it’s infuriating, overwhelming, and sickening all at once.

Being a human in today’s world feels like being a turtle without your shell. 

But it also feels really empowering when you know exactly how to protect yourself. 

That’s my favorite thing about human design — it feels like it’s an enegetic sunscreen of SPF 333.

The thing is, our energy is just as vulnerable to outside influence and harm as our physical body is. 

Have you ever heard the term “conditioning”?

This is a common term in human design. It means that we’re constantly absorbing and amplifying outside energy — outside junk — simply from existing. Think — limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, self-imposed restrictions, and just straight-up lies about who we are and what we're worthy of all just floating around in our energetic aura.


our cosmic sunscreen of spf 333

Feel like you need a scalding shower now? I did too when I first learned about my conditioning. 

The actual problem with absorbing others’ energy is we falsely believe it’s ours. For example, if you grew up in a society that believed women were not as capable as men, this is likely conditioning that you’re inadvertently creating your currently life from. 

See? Problem. 

Enter the heroine of this story — human design. 

Our human design is here to guide us through the process of deconditioning all of those limiting beliefs, preconceived notions, and false ideas that are gunking up how we see ourselves. In other words, those beliefs that are screwing up our confidence, our identity, and our results.

All of those voices in our head telling us we’re not good enough? Complete lies. It's conditioning. And it's time to let them G-O. 

The simple truth is, you are good enough to have a successful online business you’re obsessed with that creates massive impact and transformation. 

Anything telling you otherwise is conditioning. And it’s time to get rid of it. 

The Goddess Era membership is here to give you a system that actively deconditions your human design from all the false beliefs you’re holding in your energy while also actively reconditioning how you see yourself so you can become the successful, magical, capable online entrepreneur your soul is calling you to be. 

The actual problem with absorbing others’ energy is we falsely believe it’s ours. For example, if you grew up in a society that believed women were not as capable as men, this is likely conditioning that you’re inadvertently creating your currently life from. 

See? Problem. 

Enter the heroine of this story — human design. 

Our human design is here to guide us through the process of deconditioning all of those limiting beliefs, preconceived notions, and false ideas that are gunking up how we see ourselves. In other words, those beliefs that are screwing up our confidence, our identity, and our results.

All of those voices in our head telling us we’re not good enough? Complete lies. It's conditioning. And it's time to let them G-O. 

The simple truth is, you are good enough to have a successful online business you’re obsessed with that creates massive impact and transformation. 

Anything telling you otherwise is conditioning. And it’s time to get rid of it. 

The Goddess Era membership is here to give you a system that actively deconditions your human design from all the false beliefs you’re holding in your energy while also actively reconditioning how you see yourself so you can become the successful, magical, capable online entrepreneur your soul is calling you to be. 

join the goddess era membership

What the heck is going on?? A simple day of existing feels like a game of Jumanji. 

When you actually start to think about all the things lurking out there that pose as threats to us, it’s infuriating, overwhelming, and sickening all at once.

Being a human in today’s world feels like being a turtle without your shell. 

But it also feels really empowering when you know exactly how to protect yourself. 

That’s my favorite thing about human design — it feels like it’s an enegetic sunscreen of SPF 333.

The thing is, our energy is just as vulnerable to outside influence and harm as our physical body is. 

Have you ever heard the term “conditioning”?

This is a common term in human design. It means that we’re constantly absorbing and amplifying outside energy — outside junk — simply from existing. Think — limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, self-imposed restrictions, and just straight-up lies about who we are and what we're worthy of all just floating around in our energetic aura.




The human design deconditioning membership you didn't know you needed.

Feel like you need a scalding shower now? I did too when I first learned about my conditioning. 


out with

the limiting

Goddess Era is a monthly membership that's here to illuminate all of the conditioning in your human design that keeps aspiring entrepreneurs from finding their breakthroughs in the online business world.

All of those things you think about yourself like...

I'm not good enough.

I could never actually make this work.

I'm not smart enough, not pretty enough, not educated enough, not young enough...

All of that is conditioning. And it is a complete lie that you've falsely identified with because of conditioning.

Sorry conditioning...but you've got to go.

I love the process of deconditioning our human design. It’s actually life changing (literally, not figuratively).

An intentional deconditioning journey is one of the best things a human can ever do for herself. 

But what happens once we start to let go all of the false ideas, limiting beliefs, and fake rules that have been holding us down? Do we just become “normal”?

No. We don't do normal here. We do magical.

The next step in the deconditioning process is intentional reconditioning — meaning, actively choosing what we want to believe is true for us.

The Goddess Era membership will be your magic wand for releasing all of your conditioning, but it’s also here to hold your hand as you reconditioning your belief system so you can become a woman who believes deep in her bones that magic is possible for her.

And the name for the type of woman who embodies a real belief in magic? 

in with the magical

Why, that's a Goddess.

join the goddess era membership

Goddesses are not created, they are awakened.

Welcome to your Goddess Era

the inside look


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During this season, we will be awakening the Enchantress archetype within you.

The Enchantress is the version of you who believes in magic.

She thinks in magic.

She creates with magic.

She is magic.

One of the biggest blocks to real, sustainable success in online entrepreneurship is conditioning that magic is not real. 

How many times have you heard "be realistic" or "think logically"?

That is conditioning that blocks the miracles, the breakthroughs, and the oh-my-goodness-how-did-this-happen moments from showing up for you. 

During Enchantress season, we will be deconditioning and letting go of the belief that magic is not real.

We will also be doing a lot of healing work with the human design chart around healing the witch wound. This does not necessarily mean you identify as a literal witch, but rather the identity of a woman who is powerful, strong, and independent. Generation after generation of women have been taught it is not safe to be a woman in power...a woman who co-creates with magic. 

Enchantress Season will blow up all of those false, patriarchal beliefs that are keeping you hidden, stuck, and living according to what feels realistic. 

This is a truly magical season in the Goddess Era Membership. We will also be diving into my favorite topic of manifestation. 

The only answer to "how do I create a successful online business" is "you manifest it". Goddess Era will teach you exactly how to do that.

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More will be revealed about the Mermaid archetype after Magicfest Day 2. 


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More will be revealed about the Queen archetype after Magicfest Day 3. 


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More will be revealed about the Goddess archetype after Magicfest Day 4. 

join the goddess era membership

Every Goddess Era Member (GEM for perfect, right?!) will be invited to join us in the private Goddess Era Facebook group.

This will be your safe place for sharing your breakthroughs as well as asking for support when you're feeling stuck.

This will be an incredible community to plug into, but also your place to get answers to specific questions you have about the Goddess Era content.

I will collect all of your questions each week and answer them directly in a live Q&A session in the Facebook group.

The day and time of these live Q&A's will change every week to ensure we are supporting as many time zones as possible! 

The replays will be available immediately after so you can watch them on your time. 

a live private community with weekly q&a's to answer your questions in real-time

a live private community with bi-weekly q&a's to answer your questions in real-time

Every month that you're part of the Goddess Era membership, you'll receive a personalized human design report that shows your unique human design laid out in a way that is easy to understand. 

This is an invaluable tool that you will find so much guidance and support in. We've decoded all of the human design stuff for you, so there is absolutely no knowledge of human design needed to come into this membership and get the most out of it.

Your personalized human design report will follow that month's curriculum. It will specifically be focusing on your chart in terms of where you are likely holding on to conditioning. 

Think of your human design chart like a map to your deepest psyche...this monthly report will be guiding you through the deepest parts of you, likely unveiling limiting beliefs and restricting ideas you didn't even realize you were identifying with. 

This resource alone will be one of the most valuable self awareness tools you will ever find.

a personalized human design deconditioning map every month

a personalized human design deconditioning map every month

The Goddess Era Membership is a month-to-month membership with no obligations. You can sign up at any time and leave at any time.

Every month you're in the membership you will receive new weekly content.

The weekly content drops will include a teaching lesson (about an hour long) that takes you deep into the archetype of that season and the specific deconditioning and reconditioning work we're focusing on.

Every week you will also receive new supporting somatic activations like meditations, tapping, and hypnosis to help regulate your nervous system and deepen your embodiment of this work. Identity work is no small thing, so we've put a major emphasis on somatic support in this membership.

And finally, you will receive guided journal work each week that includes shadow work and inner child work to help you decondition and recondition in a way that will create lasting transformation for your identity as an online entrepreneur.  

weekly content drops with new teachings, somatic work, and journal work

weekly content drops with new teachings, somatic work, and journal work

The how-it-works magic

what you'll get

Plus, Goodies Made for a Goddess

As a founding member, you will receive a free thank you gift from us. You'll get your choice of a Goddess Era mug, Goddess Era candle, or Goddess Era sipper glass. Check out the options here.

You will also get free inclusion to our quarterly archetype workshops. These will be conference-style events where we focus on diving deep into some of the other magical archetypes that aren't the foundational archetypes of Goddess Era. These include:
  • The Prophetess (for those interested in learning how to channel content for your brand)
  • The Puppet Master (this is the classic entrepreneur archetype)
  • The Starlet (to learn how to shine in the spotlight of videos and livestreams), just to name a few. 
These will sell individually for $222, but you will receive them for free as a GEM (Goddess Era Member). 

If you choose the annual membership option, you will receive 2 months of the membership for free as well as a Goddess Box. This includes a branded Goddess Era sweatshirt, mug, candle, and sipper glass. It's a gift meant for a Goddess. View all the goodies here.

join the goddess era membership

And hello there!

I'm Kelsey

I’m a 6/2 Self-Projected Projector. Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon, Scorpio Rising. 
My gift is seeing and mastering systems. I’m able to see patterns and connections between existing systems and combine them to make new systems. That’s how branding by human design was born. And how it continues to get stronger with each new system I learn and master. This is thanks to my energetic ability to penetrate deep, deep, deep down to the core of things (Projector and double Scorpio). 
My superpower is my authenticity. I get genuine goosebumps every single time I read a human design chart and meet the brand that lives within it (Aries Moon). 
I’m the Incarnation Cross of Wishes with my Conscious Sun in Gate 50. 
I have a burning desire in my heart to bring my dreams to life and an unending drive to help you bring your dreams to life, too. The value I’m here to give to the world is energetic harmony. It’s my greatest joy and my greatest gift to be able to harmonize every aspect of your brand from your brand strategy to your brand visuals to your brand stories to your website. 

Allow me to introduce myself energetically:


How much is the Goddess Era Membership?

The current rate for the Goddess Era Membership is $88/month or $888/annually. 

Please note, this is our founding members rate and will be increasing soon. Goddess Era will likely end up being $111/month or $1,111/annually.

With that being said, if you join at the $88/month or $888/annual rate you will be grandfathered into that rate for the remainder of your active membership. If you cancel and decide to rejoin at any point, you will be rejoining at the new monthly/annual rate.

What's the cancellation policy?

You can cancel anytime. Please note, you will not receive any refund with a cancellation, but you will not be charged again once you cancel. Please pay attention to your monthly billing date and make sure you cancel before your billing date if you do not plan to be in the membership for the following month. 

What's the refund policy?

We do not offer refunds. However, you can cancel your membership at anytime. This will ensure you do not get charged again when it's your next billing cycle.

Does this include live calls?

No, there are no live calls included in the Goddess Era Membership.

However, there are live Q&A sessions that will be held via livestream in the Goddess Era Membership Facebook group.

I still have questions. How can I contact you?

Please email us at with your questions.